Marine Turtle Nesting in the Dominican Republic

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Project Reports (Spanish only)



2006 Report

2007 Report   

2008 Report

2009 Report

2007-2009 Report 

2010 Report


 Conference presentations

Hawkes, L. et al. 2010. How much do reefs really matter to hawksbill turtles. XXX International Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Goa, India. April


Revuelta, O. et al. 2010a XXX International Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Goa, India. April.


Revuelta, O. et al. 2010b XXX International Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Goa, India. April.

Tomás, J. et al. 2010 There are still sea turtles nesting in the Dominican Republic XXX Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Goa, India. April.

Feliz, P. et al 2008. Tortoiseshell trade in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Discouraging news for Caribbean hawksbills  XXVIII International Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Loreto, Baja California Sur (México)January.


Tomás, J. et al 2008. Filling the gaps: Sea turtle nesting in the Dominican Republic.  XXVIII International Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Loreto, Baja California Sur (México). January.


Tomás, J. et al 2008. Egg take and artificial incubation: A conservation tool in the Dominican Republic. XXVIII International Symp. on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. Loreto, Baja California Sur (México). January.


Tomás, J. et al 2007.  Sea turtle nesting populations in the Dominican Republic.  XIV Congreso Europeo de Herpetología. Oporto (Portugal) Sept.



        Visitation guidelines to Bahía de las Aguilas (Ministry of the Environment)


        Weekly magazine Clave Digital 117 (5 de Junio 2008) * ver págs. 28-29 y 40


        Awards: ES Verde (Periódico Hoy & Grupo Punta Cana) given to Pelagio Paulino (Negro) and Bienvenido

        Pérez Turbí, field assistants to the sea turtle nesting project.  


        Tortuga "Yolanda": De Nicaragua a Saona.  Diario Libre.  By Simón Guerrero.Diario Libre  9 Aug 2010. 


        El regreso de Yolanda, la tortuga.  Listín Diario. 19 de agosto 2010.